We use the best quality materials in handling leaks as well as detecting them
This service can prove to be one of the most important ones that we provide to our customers. If your pool is leaking it can prove to be very costly for your next water bill so for this reason we make sure to be very thorough in making sure that if you do have this issue it is resolved diligently and quickly. We make sure to be thorough and resolve the issue as quickly as possible getting you back in the water.
The Pool Palace has been providing this service for several years and make sure that only the best quality materials are used in handling leaks as well as detecting them. Once the leak has been detected we will take the time to inform you to what exactly we found as well as what may have caused it. Once the leak has been repaired further instructions are provided in the after care of your pool to avoid the unwanted situation to occur again. Feel free to give us a call today so we can help you find and resolve that unwanted leak issue in your pool.